Ade Latif (@adelatif) tweeted at 7:40 AM on Sun, Jan 27, 2013: Roemah Kopi ( Get the official Twitter app at
Saturday, 27 April 2013
Thursday, 25 April 2013
I found this schedule on my compi :
Friday 14th January 2013,
1. Pick TOEFL sertificate in campus
2. General english class @eagerbeaver
3. Fixing internship proposal
4. Nongkrong = sitting, talking and acctually doing nothing
I'm feeling icredulously upbeat and joyful right at the very moment of my life. I found the rhytm of life, expectation and plans. Tomorrow morning I will move to Solo for a month. And the best is after finished this step, I will propose you if there is a chance to come home, Jogja.
Would you be patient to wait that moment, please?
Amiin, we will complete our Dien...
"since everything has been written down, why do you have to worry?"
What if?
All of me wants to be somewhere else.
This place might be a good place, but i couldn't found a fullnest.
Circumstances and conditions don't attend to that condition.
I just doing what i should to do each day, waiting to the end of time.
How we live in the world where the passion absence., all my friends, i am so sorry being like that.
I wish all of you past the whole learning proccess.
I might find out my own way. Amiin..
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
A Plethora
For someone who love sound, as I am excited in quite. A melody of one vibrating string can reveal all the memories. What if, people are able to understand and cherish about this kind of sound, I may will always still in this quite. What if....what if
On The Job Training 1st Periode
Jakarta, Wednesday, April 24th 2013
Yesterday is the D day of the announcement of OJT's places, and i got Branch Solo, while the others got Surabaya, Lampung, Pekanbaru and Medan, how lucky me. It will be the 2nd phase of learning process in Muamalat Officer Development Program, some kind of banker program.
There is no doubt that it will be so exciting, new world, new experiences, new friends, new challenges, new places and ofcourse with low life cost (this is the most important for me).haha.
I am gonna go with THE CRAZIEST GROUP, e.g Sigit, Wangsa, Dedy, Irwan and the most beautiful and the most sharia compliance Mrs Tika. I can't wait to see what we will face to.
Tuesday, 23 April 2013
Quit Screwing Arround
Jakarta, Wednesday, April 24th 2013.
Today i am gonna take a test, the subject called Unit Support Pembiayaan (USP) or if we translate into full english it becomes Financing Unit Support. I only wish that i can past this test without remidial, not to have high score. You know why, yap, i don't have a such passion on this kind of major. Haha, i am sorry that i always complaint about that, but truely i can't have passion on it. Ahaha, quit screwing arround like this, get a life. Allah has chosen the best choice among other choices for us. So i call your name and be passion. Allahuakhbar!!!! I am gonna find out my way.
Unit Support Pembiayaan (USP)
Ditilik dari definisinya, USP merupakan suatu unit kerja yang memiliki fungsi dan tugas utama sebagai mitra strategis unit bisnis untuk mengawal aktifitas pembiayaan agar patuh terhadap prinsip kehati-hatian dan sesuai dengan regulasi. Dari definisi tersebut, dapat ditarik penjabaran bahwa fungsi utama USP adalah mendukung kelancaran unit bisnis didalam melaksanakan aktivitas pembiayaan dan memastikan kebijakan, peraturan dan prosedur pembiayaan terpenuhi. Selain itu, USP juga membantu bank dalam mengamankan pembiayaan dari berbagai macam resiko, yakni credit risk, legal risk dan compliance risk.
Agar dapat menjalankan fungsinya dengan baik, USP dibekali tugas-tugas sebagai berikut : ....(banyak euy..males ngetik pake tab)
Sub sub unit USP :
Unit Legal berperan dalam analisis yuridis, analisis kontrak, analisis pengikatan baik jaminan maupun pembiayaan.
Unit Credit Investigation dan Financial Investigation (Ci & Fi), berperan dalam BI checking, taksasi dan
Fiuuuh, i knew that some people didn't like about me or the just the way i live.
Please, it's hard to be me, so don't blame everything i did. I have tried my best, eventhough i will never satisfied all that you want.
People said that i am self -centered, individualism and so on...yes i am like that. But please forgive me, i have been trying to be better person, i am trying.
Monday, 22 April 2013
All I Wishes
Study abroad, yes this is what i have been desire for this last four years. And it began when i was meeting some special woman, her name is Stephanie Purnamasari Chitsadevi, for you see, her names has unique matters, so long and sound so weird for moslems. I am not sure what she did to me, but it was clear that she has opened my eyes about the world. For instance, she had influence my mind and then i started to dream to travelling arround the world, visiting new wonderful places, meeting with new people and having experiences in a brandnew world. How exciting it is, awesome!!
You know, it bound to be wild. All i want is study abroad. Can you imagine, i can speak english fluently, take picture in the places which only few indonesian can go there, taste various kind of delicious food, learn financial mathematics from the experts, try modern technology and am i able to use, modify it, and sooo..many other things.
Arrrrght....i am exhausted but also excited... Could i...could i.
Yap, but i have decided to pursue my master degree in financial mathematics. Whether it will be or not, it doesn't matter. Just try my best, for better tommorow, for better life, for better education, for better nations, and ofcourse for you. I want to make you proud about me.
Nothing imposible.
Whether it is wrong or right, that doesn't matter.
I just express some kind of feeling that screwing arround in my mind.
I think that it will be troublesome...
Senja sehabis hujan reda, indahnya bias jingga di ufuk barat, ditambah harum aroma tanah sehabis hujan. Sempurna, apalagi melihatnya dari sudut pandang ini, di atas bukit kecil. Indah diselimuti padang savana hijau. Mentari semakin dalam terbenam, jingga berubah kemerahan sebagai tanda perpisahan. Esok kita masih jumpa lagi, tapi tidak dengannya. Seperti kebanyakan romansa yang terukir dibumi ini, berakhir dengan pilu.
Saturday, 13 April 2013
This is it
I knew that writing is not easy, but forget it, i just tell what in my mind and heart is.
Sometimes i get mellow, sometimes i cheer up and often feel plain. It is human nature right!. And now, i am feeling that i live in weird world, or i am the weirdman among the normals. You know why, ...