Tuesday 19 January 2016


Some decades ago, it might feel like you were waiting for a reply of your letters. A week, a month, a year but you didn't receive anything at all. Despaired, were you? Yap, nowdays you feel the damn same way when you are texting someone you really want to talk but she just read it or even worse ignored it (doesn't read it)....for a while 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Sunday 17 January 2016

Best Make Up

Once upon at time, the one I adored asked me a question : Did I look ugly without make up?
I said you better without make up, naturally.

Apa make up terbaik bagi wanita? Yang membuay mereka begitu anggun dan cantik? Nor bedak, lipstik, neither pakaian mewah, tas mahal.
I think, akhlak mereka, sikap mereka, tutur kata, pemikiran mereka, idealisme mereka, kegigihan mereka, kesederhanaan mereka. Dan semua itu ada di dalam, dari dalam, kulit luar hanya pelengkap. 
Just my thought, never mean to argue.

Saturday 16 January 2016

Better Not To Know

I, yes I really understand the circumtances I face. The feeling I feel could lead me into calamity. Believe me, I will not forget, I only don't want to know anymore. We have our own lifes. Best wishes for us two, see you in the otherside.

Sunday 10 January 2016


Galau, random, acak, perasaan tidak menentu, kadang kita tidak tahu sebab musababnya. Galau tanda kita masih hidup dan waras, berayukurlah. Berbahagialah, nikmatilah.